The New TV is here, the game has changed for Real Estate Agents
  Are you ahead of this change or behind it?
Make 2024 the year you used The New TV to DOMINATE your prime farming area?
Or will you allow a competitor to eat your lunch?
Are you just "Using Social Media" rather than "Generating More Listings With Social Media"?
It's amazing how badly 99% of real estate agents are wasting their opportunity. There's so much misinformation out there so it's not surprising that if you try to "do it" yourself, rely on your PA to "do it" or even engage "Social media services" from one of the plethora of "me too" service providers that don't understand business, real estate or social media, then you will be part of the 99%.
Good News!
You Could Become One of The 1% That Work With Us.
We work exclusively with 1 agent per suburb, 90% of our agents are now #1 in their suburb.
Working with us enables you to leverage our knowledge, systems, processes, IP and coaching to DOMINATE YOUR SUBURB.
Bad News! You May Be Too Late 
We may already be working with your competition, in which case exclusive means exclusive and unfortunately we wouldn't be able to help you right now.
It's undeniable that The New TV is taking over. The question is how do Real Estate agents get best use of it? Well based on many years, massive experimentation and millions of dollars spent diligently, we at OMC have developed unique angles to achieve this.

Real estate agents are mostly suffering from the Social Media Black Hole Syndrome and SEO obsession. Behind closed doors highly effective marketing strategies and platforms have been developed to leverage the attention on The New TV. Tired advertising on bus stops, leaflet drops, mail outs and cold calling are yesterday's story.

Becoming the DIGITAL MAYOR of your suburb is the way to DOMINATE YOUR SUBURB in 2024 and beyond, generate massive momentum and save wasted effort, resources and spend. It will also find buyers for your listings and differentiate you as the agent in your area that understands how to market property.


  • World-class scripts produced to enable a "Done for you" local TV channel about your local community. Our team takes care of the episodes from script to editing to publishing, promoted by us with typical reach of 7-15,000 local people per episode.
  • Highly detailed audience curation enabling the content to be placed in front of your prospective vendors
  • Promotion of 8 listings/sales per month
  • ​An exclusive advertising space on a local newsletter focused on your suburb
  • ​An exclusive opportunity to have your name connected to key editorial on the local newsletter
  • ​A separate website just for your personal brand that gets traffic driven to it
+ The New Invention for 2024 🚀🚀🚀
gamechanger for the traditional leaflet drop.
Yes the leaflet that traditionally goes straight in the bin will magically turn into something that homeowners in your prime farming area look out for in their mailbox.

It becomes the ideal touchpoint to cement your name, top of their minds.
Becoming the Digital mayor of your prime farming area is proven to grow your market share, by attracting more vendors, as well as attracting more buyers. It becomes a vortex where everything is drawn to YOU.

We know how you can increase what we call your KLT quotient. KLT stands for Know.Like.Trust.
Over the last 6 Years The New TV has created digital mayors all over Brisbane and Sydney, growing market share and massively increasing GCI
*The above graph is a projection of how many EXTRA listings you will generate when working with us over 12 months based on ACTUAL results of our current clients.
  •    Get in touch using this simple form:
The New TV is a website owned by OMC